Some investment solutions generate a commission which could cause potential bias when recommended by a financial professional. Later on when the financial professional recommends portfolio changes, those may attract additional commissions. This can make it hard to discern if the advice was derived independently of commissions.
"Managed Accounts" were designed to address the above by having the following key features:
- No commissions for recommending the platform or for placing any trades.
- Your advisor is acting as a fiduciary, expected to put your best interests first at all times and ensure that the recommendations made in the past remain appropriate going into the future.
- You receive ongoing monitoring of your account in exchange for ongoing annual management fees.
- Discretionary authority to your advisor to conduct security research, evaluate portfolio suitability and upon execution determine the suitable timing and price. By outsourcing the technical and financial engineering aspects of investment management to a professional, there is more time to discuss the higher purpose of the investments to your life.
- A written investment advisory agreement is entered into which discloses the services, fee schedules, custodian, and other pertinent information to formally govern the arrangement.
- Investment management can be terminated at any time with no exit penalty.
Household Minimum:We work with clients that are able to invest more than $250,000 in aggregate. We can establish accounts with a sub-minimum of $10,000 per account registration.
PORTFOLIO MANGEMENT SERVICES Needs analysis, customized portfolio design, research, execution, monitoring, rebalancing, tax harvesting, required minimum distribution calculation and execution, liaising with your tax professional with respect to IRA/ROTH contribution consulting and execution, provision of tax documents, liaising with your estate attorney with respect to trust related matters, income distribution planning.
We work with a multitude of portfolio management solutions. In most scenarios, we are the portfolio managers and utilize stocks, preferred stocks, REIT's and bonds. We may recommend a Third Party Money Manager Service depending on your scenario.
For further information, please read the formal legal disclosure documents which are the United Planner's Financial Services of America ADV Part 2A
, part 2B
and part 3.